Category Archives: DIY

diy: missoni shoe

February 10, 2014

Step 1: Gather supplies.

One pair of white canvas


Ruler Manil file folder or other stiff paper

Pencil Scissors

Fabric markers in various colors (ones with both a thick and thin tip are best)        creative-diy-ideas-4-1

Step 2: Using the ruler, draw a straight line near the edge of the manila file folder.03-diyshoes-step-02Step 3: Next, create a zig-zag pattern inside the two parallel lines by connecting every other tic. For example, start at the bottom left-hand corner of the lower line, and connect to the second tic mark on the upper line. Connect the second tic-mark on the upper line to the third tic mark on the lower line, and so on.05-diyshoes-step-04Step 4:Now that you’ve just created all of those triangles, cut away the lower row of them (sorry!). You should be left with what looks like a row of teeth at the bottom of the folder. Feel free to use this template to create a shark or bear costume for Halloween.06-diyshoes-step-05Step 5: Position the template onto the toe of the sneaker. You’ll be working your way from the front to the back of the shoe. Position the template wherever you like it best, but we felt it was easiest to keep things lined up by having the point of one triangle in the center.09-diyshoes-step-08Step 6: Grab your fabric markers and start coloring in the rows, making sure that each row is a different color. The colors don’t have to be spaced evenly or in any sort of pattern (but go for it if you want!), so feel free to switch it up as much as you’d like. If your markers have differently sized tips, use the thin edge to outline the rows, and the thick to fill them in.




December 18, 2013

En el siglo de los e-readers, tabletas, celulares y tecnología a todo volumen estoy convencida de que muchos de ustedes han arrumbado sus libros en el olvido y el polvo. Hoy les traigo una propuesta muy sencilla, muy barata y hasta minimalista.a1b371e6f6704e9260a196d182cbf546Necesitaras:

1) Un libro viejo de tapa dura

2) Adhesivo líquido pesado

3) Destornillador de estrella

4) Librero invisible de pared, lo puedes encontrar: aqui.


– El librero invisible trae tornillos especiales para pared y/o madera, instálalo en el área que desees con ayuda de tu destornillador de estrella, asegúrate de que quede suficientemente ajustado.

– Vas a separar  la portada del libro viejo y la colocaras debajo del librero invisible  (les recomiendo que escojan uno que no tenga un significado sentimental ya que se dañará la cubierta). Van a pegar con el adhesivo dicha portada en el tope inferior del librero y sólo tienes que agregar los libros que desees.


15 libras máximo

16 pulgadas de altura de pila máxima


October 3, 2013

dyi dishes (1)dyi dishes (2) Todo lo que necesitaras es un Sharpie ( cualquier color) y una taza, plato o utensilio de porcelana o ceramica que quieras modificar permanentemente.

Dibuja en la taza o utensilio el mensaje o diseño que desees y ponlo durante 30 minutos en el horno a 350 grados, sácalo y espera a que  enfie antes de lavar o utilizar y listo!

Nota: Evitar el lavado en el lavavajillas con agua caliente, les recomiendo lavar a mano.

ojos ahumados o smokey eyes

October 1, 2013

Hi beauties!

Today is tuesday! That means I have a new makeup tutorial to share with all of you guys. This is one of the most requested tutorial, the very famous Smokey Eyes. I would say that the key of a well done smokey eye is a good outlined, a great base application, (zero pimples, blemishes or imperfections), and of course, eye concealer, you probably will need more than usually, especially if you have dark circles or puffiness. I like to dramatize the eyes and apply a softer color in my lips or vice versa (this is not a rule).

The colors used are black and metallic grey. I have highlighted my cheekbones with a darker color to turn this makeup into a more dramatic and sensual look.

Subscribe to the channel for more content! Hope you like it!


Hola guapisímas!

Es martes! y eso significa que les comparto un nuevo tutorial de maquillaje. Éste ha sido uno de los tutoriales más solicitados, el famoso Smokey eye u ojos ahumados.  Diría que la clave de un buen smokey eye, está en un buen delineado, muy buena base y la corrección de imperfecciones, sobre todo si tenemos ojeras. A mi me gusta (no es una regla) destacar los ojos y aplicar un tono suave en los labios, o viceversa.

Es un smokey eye fácil de lograr con tonos metalicos y negro. Mis pómulos los he destacado para dar más dramatismo y sensualidad al look.

Suscribanse al canal para más contenido. Espero os guste!



Summer friday must-haves

September 20, 2013

Hi beauties!

Last friday we announced our special, Fridays Must Haves, where we gonna talk about trends, style, fashion pieces and hottest things in the fashion world.

Today Im sharing with you a list of 8 things you MUST have this summer 2013. I hope you like it!

1- Cropped Top


2- Floral Summer Sunglasses


3- Cut Out Dress


4- Asymmetric Skirt


5- Satchel Neon Bag


6- Floral Headband


7- Chanel Alpargatas


8- Geometric Dress