Tag Archives: blogger

MALIBU – Magu Rocks and El Matador Beach

December 6, 2014

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Currently I have being  working on a very exciting project and because of that I haven’t had a chance to post pictures or videos this last few weeks, so I decided to share with you guys this photos of one of my visits to Magu Rocks and El Matador Beach in Malibu. This is one of my very favorite places to go to when in need to meditate.

Stay tuned. See you soon

Actualmente me encuentro trabajando en una proyecto muy excitante y debido a esto no he tenido la oportunidad de publicar  fotos o videos estas ultimas semanas, asi que decidi compartirles estas fotos de mi ultima visita a Magu Rocks y el Matador Beach en Malibu. Uno de mis lugares favoritos para meditar y disfrutar.

Nos vemos pronto.


May 30, 2014


Me mudé a Los Angeles-California hace ya unos meses y tengo la dicha de vivir en la zona costera. Uno de mis lugares favoritos aquí en el area se llama “Manhattan Beach” una ciudad repleta de belleza natural, hermosas playas, ambiente relajado y surfero. Manhattan Beach es la capital del voleibol de playa de todo el sur de California, es un lugar mágico! Caminar por la arena, presenciar el atardecer, surfistas entre las olas, pasearse por sus calles, beachwalk y pier es toda una experiencia.

Las opciones de Restaurantes, bares, kioskos, galerias de arte y tiendas es inmensa. La arquitectura y el diseño de las casas son una fuente inagotable de admiración.

Manhattan Beach está ubicada en la costa pacifica, al sur de el Segundo, al norte de Hermosa Beach.


I moved to Los Angeles – California just months ago and I’m lucky enough to live  very close to the beach. One of my favorite destinations here is “Manhattan Beach”, a wonderful city of natural beauty, amazing beach and surfing. Manhattan Beach is the capital of the volley ball in the south of California, is undoubtedly a magical place. An afternoon in the sand, an evening of dinning and sunset watching, mornings watching surfers are some of my favorites things to do.

There are tons of restaurants, bars, art galleries, and shops in the immediate vicinity. The architecture and design of the homes along the strand provide an endless source of admiration.

Manhattan Beach is located in the Pacific Cost, South of El Segundo, North of Hermosa Beach.

Santa Monica Sunset

May 9, 2014

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Even though I’m an early riser, I enjoy the sunset as much as the sunrise. Yes, it’s true 🙂

The sunset is really an amazing event and we are lucky to have the chance to witness it every single day.

I know that you probably don’t enjoy it very often anymore, am I right? There are always so many other things in our way.

There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.