Don´t you never fall in love with a woman who enjoys reading, a woman who feels too much, a woman who writes… Do not fall in love with a witch, a wizard, a delusional and well-educated crazy woman. Don´t you dare to fall in love with a confident, thoughtful woman; a woman who thinks, who knows what she knows and also knows how to fly. Do not fall in love with a woman who laughs or cries while making love, whose flesh becomes spirit or one who loves poetry (they are the most dangerous one). Do not fall in love with a woman who can spend one hour contemplating a painting and who is not able to live without music. Do not fall for a woman who is interested in politics and who is a trembling rebellious who feels immense horror against injustices, inequalities and lack of freedom. One who likes soccer or baseball games and hates to watch television. A woman who is beautiful regardless the features of her face and body. Do not fall for an intense, joyful, lucid and irreverent woman. You don´t want to fall in love with this kind of woman because, no matter if she loves you or not, she keeps you or not, she stays around you or not, from her, from a woman like this nobody ever returns.
…No te enamores de una mujer que lee, de una mujer que siente demasiado, de una mujer que escribe… No te enamores de una mujer culta, maga, delirante, loca. No te enamores de una mujer que piensa, que sabe lo que sabe y además sabe volar; una mujer segura de sĂ misma. No te enamores de una mujer que se rĂe o llora haciendo el amor, que sabe convertir en espĂritu su carne; y mucho menos de una que ame la poesĂa (esas son las más peligrosas), o que se quede media hora contemplando una pintura y no sepa vivir sin la mĂşsica. No te enamores de una mujer a la que le interese la polĂtica y que sea rebelde y sienta un inmenso horror por las injusticias. Una que no le guste para nada ver televisiĂłn. Ni de una mujer que es bella sin importar las caracterĂsticas de su cara y de su cuerpo. No te enamores de una mujer intensa, lĂşdica, lĂşcida e irreverente. No quieras enamorarte de una mujer asĂ. Porque cuando te enamoras de una mujer como esa, se quede ella contigo o no, te ame ella o no, de ella, de una mujer asĂ, JAMAS se regresa…