Tag Archives: exxomodels


September 14, 2014



Aquí les traigo otro tutorial inspirado en los colores y las tendencias de ésta temporada de otoño invierno 2014; el maquillaje es bien dramatico, los ojos ahumados y cremosos, mucha máscara y delineado intenso para dar un toque ultra sexy, los pómulos también van bien marcados y los labios los he maquillado en tono vino.

El cabello decidí ponerlo de lado y enfocarme en el flequillo extremo para conseguir un look de diva de los años 40.

Me animé a combinar un cropped top color negro de TopShop con pantalones sueltos de talla alta del mismo color de Ann Taylor,los tacones son de Zara, la chaqueta color Champagne es de H&M y el bolso y reloj de Michael Kors.

Espero os guste y sirva esta tutorial.

Here I come with another tutorial inspired by the colors and trends of this season “Fall/Winter 2014”. This makeup is pretty dramatic with smokey and creamy eyes, a lot of mascara and very dark eyeline to achieve an ultra sexy look. I also focused on accentuating my cheekbones and lips with a super chic bordeaux color.

I decided to put my hair to the side and focus on my bangs to achieve a 40’s Diva’s look.

About my outfit, I combined a black cropped top from Topshop with some black high waisted loose pants from Ann Taylor, my ankle straps heels are from Zara, my hairy coat that I love is from H&M, and the purse and watch are from Michael Kors.

Hope you like it!

Mi Rutina Facial Diaria Remedios, cuidados, productos

July 15, 2014

Hace unos meses publiqué un tutorial en donde les detallo los pasos para conseguir una piel perfecta con ayuda del maquillaje, les explicaba cómo aplicar la base, dar luz, contornear el rostro y corregir las imperfecciones, fue uno de los videos más vistos en mi canal con más de 220,000 mil vistas y un sin número de comentarios en donde me solicitaban que les compartiera mis “Secretos” para tener una piel radiante y perfecta. Así que decidí grabar dicho tutorial y mostrarles los productos, cuidados y remedios que forman parte de mi ritual de cuidado diario.

Espero os guste.

A few months ago I published a video where I explained the steps to achieve a perfect makeup foundation, how to highlight and contour your face as well as how to cover imperfections, that was one of my most viewed videos on my channel with over 220,000 views and endless comments where most of you were asking me to share my “secrets” to have a radiant and perfect skin, so I went ahead and decided to film this tutorial where I show you the products,remedies and care in general that are part of my daily skin care routine.

Looking forward to your feedback.


♥ Instagram: @doralysbritto
♥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EXXOMODELS
♥ Twitter: https://twitter.com/EXXOMAKEUP

DVF Journey of a dress – lacma

June 16, 2014

“Fashion is a mysterious energy, a visual moment—impossible to predict where it goes.”DVF-LACMA-EXXOMODELS20140414_111010DVF-LACMA-EXXOMODELS20140414_114020Diane-Von-Furstenberg-Journey-Of-A-Dress-Los-Angeles-2014-LACMA-1-exxomodels20140414_110732-LACMA-DVF-EXXOMODELS20140414_110717pageDVF-LACMA-EXXOMODELS20140414_111453

I had the opportunity to visit the Exhibition of the super talented fashion icon Diane Von Furstenberg at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

An illuminated pink sign, toting another of Furstenberg’s famous sayings, “Feel like a woman, wear a dress!”,leads the way to a room almost more enchanting than the first.

I was amazed by the stunning display of mannequins wearing over one hundred DVF dresses. The exhibition tells about the evolution of the wrap dress and its continued relevance in the modern woman’s wardrobe.The wrap dress tells a tale that has transcended time. Though the world of fashion is evolving, wrap dresses have remained as on-trend and gorgeous as ever.

“Journey of a Dress” not only showcases the artwork that is Diane Von Furstenberg’s style, but displays work from Andy Warhol, Helmut Newton and other artists who have been equally fascinated by Furstenberg and her creations. The exhibit serves as an interactive experience for all who attend, and encourages art-lovers, fashionistas, and all visitors.

The exhibition is located at the Wilshire May Company Building, adjacent to LACMA: 5905 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036


Tuve la oportunidad de visitar la Exposición del icono de moda y la súper talentosa, Diane Von Furstenberg en el Museo de arte del condado de los Angeles.

Un signo de color rosa iluminado, portando uno de los dichos famosos de Furstenberg, “siente como una mujer, usa un vestido!”, Conduce el camino a una habitación casi más encantadora que la primera.

Me quedé sorprendida por la imponente exhibición de maniquíes con más de cien vestidos de DVF. La exposición habla de la evolución del vestido de wrap y su continua relevancia en el guardarropa femenino. El vestido de wrap cuenta la historia de cómo la mujer moderna y clásica ha trascendido en el tiempo, aunque el mundo de la moda sigue evolucionando a pasos agigantados, el vestido de wrap se han mantenido tan en tendencia como siempre.

“El viaje de un vestido” no sólo muestra la obra de arte que es el estilo de Diane Von Furstenberg, sino que también expone obras de Andy Warhol, Helmut Newton y otros artistas que han quedado igualmente fascinados por Furstenberg y sus creaciones. La exposición sirve como una experiencia interactiva para los amantes del arte, la moda, y todos los visitantes.

La exhibición está ubicada en adyacente al Edificio del LACMA: 5905 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Every day natural makeup – Orange lips

March 1, 2014

Hola guapas!

Aquí les comparto un tutorial de maquillaje para el día a día, un look super natural y fresco. Los labios se llevan todo el protagonismo con un vibrante naranja, un delineado de ojos de gato, bronceador e iluminador. Les doy algunos consejos y secretos (no tan secretos) para lucir fenomenal.  No olviden suscribirse al blog y al canal de youtube para más actualizaciones.

Te ha gustado éste tutorial? Comenta!



Hello beauties!

This is a quick makeup tutorial for a everyday, natural and fresh look. Lips get all the attention with a vibrant orange, a very sexy cat eye and the help of the bronzer and highlighter to achieve an amazing look. Don’t forget to susbcribe to my blog and my youtube channel for more exciting news and updates.

 Let me know what you think!


diy: missoni shoe

February 10, 2014

Step 1: Gather supplies.

One pair of white canvas


Ruler Manil file folder or other stiff paper

Pencil Scissors

Fabric markers in various colors (ones with both a thick and thin tip are best)        creative-diy-ideas-4-1

Step 2: Using the ruler, draw a straight line near the edge of the manila file folder.03-diyshoes-step-02Step 3: Next, create a zig-zag pattern inside the two parallel lines by connecting every other tic. For example, start at the bottom left-hand corner of the lower line, and connect to the second tic mark on the upper line. Connect the second tic-mark on the upper line to the third tic mark on the lower line, and so on.05-diyshoes-step-04Step 4:Now that you’ve just created all of those triangles, cut away the lower row of them (sorry!). You should be left with what looks like a row of teeth at the bottom of the folder. Feel free to use this template to create a shark or bear costume for Halloween.06-diyshoes-step-05Step 5: Position the template onto the toe of the sneaker. You’ll be working your way from the front to the back of the shoe. Position the template wherever you like it best, but we felt it was easiest to keep things lined up by having the point of one triangle in the center.09-diyshoes-step-08Step 6: Grab your fabric markers and start coloring in the rows, making sure that each row is a different color. The colors don’t have to be spaced evenly or in any sort of pattern (but go for it if you want!), so feel free to switch it up as much as you’d like. If your markers have differently sized tips, use the thin edge to outline the rows, and the thick to fill them in.


creative-diy-ideas-4-4Via: http://www.boredpanda.com/creative-diy-project-ideas/